“Keeping the Word of God Central to Daily Life”

Welcome to Word Central Radio!

“Word Central Radio is committed to broadcasting sound expository Bible teaching 24 hours 7 days a week, around the world to all that will listen.”

Victor J. McCoy
President/General Manager

WCR originated as a vision to launch an internet radio station accessible via PC and a mobile app, focusing on broadcasting sound biblical teaching, classic hymns, and uplifting music with lyrics centered on the Bible. Our vision is to create a station where the music prompts reflection on Jesus Christ, rather than just offering a catchy tune. We desired music and lyrics that would help believers focus on God as revealed in scripture, encouraging them to keep God’s Word central in their daily lives.

Additionally, we sought to establish a daily broadcast so that if a non-believer “happened to” come across our broadcast or website, God could use it to proclaim the life-changing message of the gospel.

In essence, our mission is to proclaim God’s Word through sound expository preaching that exults Christ and the Word of God to men, women, and children around the world. We believe that radio and the Internet are among the most cost-effective tools for spreading the Gospel and teaching the Bible around the clock, every day of the week.

Our daily programming includes expository Bible teaching, news from a biblical perspective, scripture reading, prayer, and uplifting music unto the Lord.

We hope that you will join us in this ministry by partnering with us with a financial gift in any amount. There are other opportunities to partner with us and if you’re interested please let us know.

Thank you and may the peace of God rest on you!